English Grammar Rules Verb Agreement

English Grammar Rules: Understanding Verb Agreement

As a copy editor, one of the most important aspects of my job is ensuring the correct use of grammar and punctuation in the text. Among the many grammar rules that writers should keep in mind is verb agreement. This refers to the agreement between the subject (the noun or pronoun) and the verb in a sentence. In this article, we will tackle the basics of verb agreement in English that every writer should know.

What is Verb Agreement?

Verb agreement, also known as subject-verb agreement, is the grammatical rule that requires a verb to agree with its subject in number (singular or plural). The verb must reflect whether the subject is singular or plural.

For example, in the sentence “The dog barks at strangers,” the subject is a singular noun (dog), so the verb (barks) must also be singular. In contrast, when the subject is plural, the verb should also be plural, as in “The dogs bark at strangers.”

Singular and Plural Verbs

To understand verb agreement, writers should first distinguish between singular and plural verbs. Singular verbs are those that end in -s or -es when referring to the third person singular subjects, such as he, she, or it. Examples of singular verbs are: walks, talks, eats, plays, and sees.

Plural verbs, on the other hand, do not end in -s or -es when referring to plural subjects. Examples of plural verbs are: walk, talk, eat, play, and see. It’s important to note that there are some irregular verbs in English that do not follow this pattern, but these are relatively few in number.

Common Errors in Verb Agreement

One of the most common errors in verb agreement is when the subject and the verb do not match in number. For example, in the sentence “The group of boys is playing basketball,” the subject (group) is singular, but the verb (is playing) is plural. To correct this, the verb should be changed to “are playing” to match the plural subject (boys).

Another common error is when the writer mistakenly thinks that the subject is plural when it is actually singular, or vice versa. For instance, in the sentence “There is five apples on the table,” the writer treats the noun (apples) as plural and uses the verb “are.” However, since the subject (five) is singular, the verb should be “is,” making the sentence “There are five apples on the table” incorrect.

In Conclusion

Correct verb agreement is an essential element of proper grammar. Understanding the basic rules of verb agreement can help writers avoid common errors and produce clear and coherent sentences that accurately convey their intended meaning. As a professional, I always emphasize the importance of good grammar in creating effective content that engages, informs, and inspires readers.