Schengen Agreement Article 75

The Schengen Agreement, signed in 1985, is an agreement between several European countries that allows for the free movement of people and goods across their borders. Article 75 of the agreement is particularly important as it outlines the provisions for the establishment of a common visa policy.

The main aim of Article 75 is to allow for the creation of a common visa policy among the countries that are party to the agreement. This means that a person with a Schengen visa issued by one of the countries can travel freely to all the other countries that are part of the agreement without the need for further visas or checks.

This provision has been instrumental in the growth of tourism and business in Europe as it has made it easier for people to travel across borders. It has also made it easier for companies to do business across the region as they no longer have to apply for separate visas for each country.

The Schengen agreement has been a major success in terms of facilitating free movement across Europe and the provisions of Article 75 have played a crucial role in achieving this success. However, the agreement has also faced some challenges in recent years, particularly in relation to the ongoing refugee crisis.

In response to the crisis, some countries have reintroduced border controls, which go against the spirit of the Schengen Agreement. Article 75 allows for temporary reintroduction of border checks in exceptional circumstances, but it is important that such measures do not become the norm.

In conclusion, Article 75 of the Schengen Agreement is a crucial provision that has enabled the creation of a common visa policy among European countries. This has facilitated free movement and has been a major success in terms of promoting tourism and business in the region. However, it is important that any temporary reintroduction of border controls does not become permanent, so as not to undermine the spirit of the agreement.